
Massage Services


The diverse benefits of massage become evident when the practitioner utilizes a diverse set of techniques, allowing for adjustments to tissues, muscles, and movement. Consequently, the body can attain alignment and promote healing in accordance with its natural processes.

Structural Alignment & Fascia Fluidity

Structural alignment and fascia fluidity are key focal points in the care I provide, which is why I begin treatment from the feet upwards. With over 26 bones in the feet, it’s logical that many structural therapies commence at this foundational point. Conditions such as flat feet, high arches, or limited range of motion significantly influence overall body movement and, consequently, impact resilience and susceptibility to compression over time.

A Complex Network

Whole Body & Sole MassageFascia constitutes a complex network of connective tissue enveloping and bolstering muscles, organs, nerves, and bones throughout the body. Consequently, it plays a pivotal role in upholding structural integrity and facilitating movement. Moreover, under normal circumstances, fascia promotes smooth and efficient movement, thereby imparting stability and support to the body. However, various factors such as poor posture, injuries, repetitive movements, and specific medical conditions can induce fascial restrictions or distortions. Consequently, when fascia tightens or becomes bound, it can curtail movement, resulting in discomfort, pain, and limitations in range of motion. These restrictions can also contribute to what is commonly perceived as the natural aging process, impeding the body’s ability to move fluidly and sustain optimal function.

Fascial Restrictions

Moreover, fascial restrictions exert significant pressure on surrounding tissues, nerves, and blood vessels, thereby causing a myriad of additional symptoms and complications. Furthermore, over time, this chronic compression can adversely affect overall health and well-being, significantly impacting daily activities and athletic performance alike. Addressing fascial restrictions through specialized approaches such as myofascial massage therapy can effectively release tension, restore mobility, and promote improved alignment. Consequently, this therapeutic intervention not only alleviates discomfort and enhances movement but also supports graceful aging and boosts quality of life. Ultimately, it enables individuals to maintain participation in beloved activities as they age, fostering a profound sense of well-being, vitality, and continued engagement.

Types of Massage Offered

Sports/Recovery/Post Surgery/Structural/Myofascial/Trigger Point Massage

The focus of this work often includes assessing range of motion, meticulously performing myofascial and trigger point release techniques, and skillfully enhancing flow and pain management. This type of massage is typically conducted with clients fully clothed and without the use of lotion, ensuring a comfortable and non-intrusive experience.

Swedish/Hot Stone Massage

Indulge in deep relaxation within a serene, spa-like setting that promises to help you unwind and discover inner peace through traditional Swedish techniques, hypoallergenic oil, and essential oils. For added comfort, hot stones can be provided upon request.

Lymphatic Drainage

By stimulating the lymphatic system, this gentle massage technique facilitates the removal of excess fluid, toxins, and waste from the body, thereby reducing swelling and inflammation. In addition to its physiological benefits, lymphatic drainage promotes deep relaxation, alleviates stress, and enhances overall vitality.


Cranialsacral therapy provides a gentle yet powerful approach to healing and relaxation, focusing on the subtle movements of the cranial bones, spine, and sacrum to restore balance within the body. By delicately manipulating these areas, cranialsacral therapy aids in releasing tension and improving the flow of cerebrospinal fluid, crucial for nourishing and protecting the brain and spinal cord. Renowned for its efficacy in alleviating various conditions such as headaches, neck and back pain, stress-related disorders, and emotional trauma, this therapeutic modality profoundly impacts both physical and emotional well-being. As a result, cranialsacral therapy fosters deep relaxation, renewal, and comprehensive holistic healing.

Fertility/Mercier Therapy

Mercier Therapy involves deep pelvic organ manipulation aimed at releasing tension, mobilizing scar tissue, and addressing pelvic organ adhesions. This therapeutic approach mobilizes the reproductive organs and surrounding structures, facilitating restored blood flow to the area and promoting optimal function.

Consequently, Mercier Therapy has demonstrated an 83% pregnancy success rate.*

What conditions does Mercier Therapy help with?

  • Infertility
  • Endometriosis
  • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
  • C-section recovery
  • Painful Intercourse
  • Pelvic scarring from previous trauma or surgery
  • Anovulation
  • Amenorrhea (lack of period)
  • Dysmenorrhea (painful periods)
  • Uterine Fibroids

Massage Pricing, Packages & Programs

Massage Wellness Program

Save money with the Wellness Program, a cost-saving subscription that offers massages once a month.

Includes 1 FREE upgrade* per session.

Massage Packages

If you require more frequent bodywork, consider purchasing a package to ensure ongoing care and savings.

  • Save 30% when you purchase as a package.
  • Schedule as often as you like but must be redeemed within 3 months.

Includes 1 FREE upgrade* per session.

Massage Single Session

Massage sessions are available for purchase on a session-by-session basis. This allows flexibility in scheduling and ensures you receive the care you need when you need it.


Hot Stones

Customized Frequencies for the day

2 Customized Energy Patches

Inner Voice Scan 

10 minutes of Terahertz 

Would you like to know more?

Book a massage with me here: