FXN Nutrition Counseling

What Can I Expect from A Nutrition Counseling Session?

A careful review of medical history, current lifestyle, and goals will be discussed at your initial consultation appointment with Helen – these are usually 60 minutes in length. From there, we will work together through nutrition interventions at a pace that is comfortable and sustainable for you, generally meeting every two weeks. At the end of each follow-up consultation, we’ll establish clear and doable goals or protocols for you to work on in between sessions. Helen will be available to support and guide you throughout this journey to better health. 

How Often Do I Need to Follow Up?

Change can be hard and support is essential if we are going to find success implementing new habits and lifestyle changes. Helen will discuss how often she feels would be of the greatest advantage based on the information she has at the time of care. The most important thing is consistency!

After some foundational work, we can start to integrate functional changes; this is where we start to see true and lasting success. Because support through this process is so important, Helen will work with you using a free platform called “healthie”, which enables her to stay updated on progress goals and chat via a portal that is HIPAA compliant; meaning your privacy and health information stays private.

Food has the power to heal, which is why focusing on the gut biome is paramount as we work together and look at the “holistic” picture. Reputable nutrition supplements that support overall health and healing may be recommended and are always optional.

Working behind the scenes; evaluating lab test results, researching, and writing personalized health strategies, are part of the work involved in preparing for new and current clients. If you would like to work with Helen, please fill out the contact form and she will get back to you shortly.